Why use winit?
It is the only software that allows the candidate to know
the results of campaign efforts as the electoral process unfolds.
- Real time monitoring.
- Decision making in real time.
- Fulfillment of goals.
- Easy access to upload and/or download information in the field.
- Schedule activities.
- Optimize resources.
- Evaluation and follow up through management indicators.
- Savings of stationery expenses.
- Improves how to organize the campai
- Database management: integration, segmentation, by answers.
- Real time knowledge Day D.
- Different permission levels.
- Track the growth of the database.
- All the information gathered together.
- Innovative solutions for the analysis of political data.
- Organized digital activism.
Winit for electoral campaigns
- Monitoring of campaign strategies by means of training and consolidation of volunteers, sympathizers, voters and team works according their corresponding levels (national, regional or local).
- Control and monitoring of activism in real time, allowing to know the territories that are addressed and worked in the campaign.
- Training and consolidation of teams for the defense of votes in ballot boxes.
- Registration of electoral witnesses.
- Facilitates the prioritization of territories and areas.
- Creation and monitoring of the voters database contacted by mobilizers and sympathizers.
- Follow up of campaign goals accomplishment.
Winit for political organizations
- The system can be adapted to any political, campaign or leader organigram or organization chart.
- Volunteers and human resources can be organized nationally and locally.
- Activism can be monitored in real time, allowing organizations to know the effectiveness of militance, volunteers and human resource work.
- Segmentation and validation of voters.
- Geographic segmentation at any level that facilitates the creation of zones or areas for political work.
- Databases matching for strategic analysis.
- Generation of militants, donors, sympathizers and contacted electors databases.
- The growth and development of campaign strategies and/or paties can be controlled and followed.
Winit for situational room
- Interface for the war room: You can watch the information in real time from each of the ballot boxes, this allows you to closely monitor the status of the electoral participation, so that in real time you can make decisions immediately based on real, safe and armored information.
- Registration and handling of incidents and irregularities during the electoral process D day.
- Control and monitoring of contacted voters goals by mobilizers, leaders or team managers.
- Record and handling of quick counting.
- Control and follow-up of participations, allowing to make mobilization decisions.
- Communication with voting centers and electoral witnesses.
- Registration and handling of exit poll and surveys to the ballot boxes.
- Registration and monitoring of totalization at the close of voting.
- Projection of results.

Successful experiences
in Venezuela and Latin America
- Zoning of organizational structures.
- Creation of militacies database.
- Creation of contacts database .
- Registration and follow-up of party activism.
- Development of internal communications.
- Structuring the party at the national, regional and
municipal levels.
- Activities reported in campaign.
- Contacts registered in database.
- Database management and votes totalization.
- The system was successfully implemented at 14500 polling station, in 1100
counties, 330 municipalities and 24 states.
- Use of bot for signature records.
- Use of bot for validant signature records in real time.
- Registered results.
- Use of bot for register of validants in real times.
- Organizational structures databases management.
- Registration of contacts for voters mobilization.
- Situational room management.
- System deployment and use on election day.
- Development and design of public web page.
- Bot application for volunteers registration in real time.
- Management and summary database.
- Bot application for surveys and registration.
- Development and design of public web page.
- Bot application for electors registration.
- Campaign structure.
- Registration and monitoring of activism of the campaign.
- Development of Internal Communications.
- Provincial, Cantonal and Parochial Electoral Control Structure.
- Use of Telegram bot for Validation of Charges and Survey.
- Implementation of day D systems for all elections.
- Organization of the Electoral Bunker.
Do you want to get a demo?
The guarantee of electoral success