Our flagship product Winit, after a process of strategic rethinking, was adapted to be used by political consultants, candidates in popular election positions, leaders, civil and partisan organizations at an international level.

Winit was transformed from a technological platform to win elections in Venezuela to a techno-political platform to consolidate democracy and increase participation in countries of Latin America and the African continent.

With all the experience acquired in Venezuela after many electoral processes over more than 10 years, this technological platform has become the most complete technopolitical tool that links the communication campaign, the electoral guard and the ground work to translate it into effective, real votes with name and last name of each  one of the electors.

In addition, through the use of instant messaging applications through cell phones, Winit is the easiest techno-political platform to use on both continents; the most useful, effective and complete technological tool for both partisan and volunteer structures and for those who need to make decisions in real time, with detailed and updated information.

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